My Background
Born and raised in Japan, Tokyo area, typical Japanese family. But I was always interested in the world that I don't know and places never visited. My father was traveling around the world for his business, and small souvenirs from every places he visited always fascinated me. I graduated from Buddhist high school, majored in Arabic at University, belonged to Samba team, had my Salsa band and backpacked every continent other than Australia and Antarctica. Companies I worked for always headquartered in overseas, my coworkers are from a variety of countries and I just naturally continued my global-borderless-life, both personally and professionally.
South India
Something mystic and spirituality always caught my attention since I was little. I read most of religions scriptures by the time I graduated from high school. After all traveling, I realized I visited so many sacred places on this planet and I call South India as one of the biggest door-opening events in my life. I met highly inspiring people, and had very magical miraculous experience. South India has such a rich spirituality from the ancient time and it's still vividly alive as a part of its life. Since then I started to see "spirituality as a part of life".
311 Earthquake
Born and raised in Japan, meaning well-trained by earthquake. But the one happened on 3/11/2011 was something I've never experienced. It was so scary. One day around the lunch time, another big tremor hit and right after that, sky suddenly got dark, really dark, and stormy wind started to blow! I seriously thought there was going to be another big earth quake and I would die. So I pulled out a paper and started to write down what I accomplished my life, just to recall this life time. Then still nothing happened so I pulled another paper to write down what I didn't - then realized...didn't-list was much longer than the accomplished one!!! Then something really "clicked" me.
Since that "click", I was so busy working on the didn't-accomplish list to make everything happen in my life literally one-by-one. Then I happened to know ThetaHealing - I read an article that Vianna Stibul, founder of the modality, saying "you can create the life you want, and change can occur easily and quickly by ThetaHealing®". Because I had such a long list (ha!), I signed up the class at the earliest convenience. AND as Vianna said, changes really occurred - right after Basic DNA, I got some interesting reactions from my body and in 1-2 weeks, things started to change dramatically, as I wished, and I found myself moving to Hawaii in a few months.
My life purpose
I've never thought of myself becoming a healer - someone who has a special power. I've never thought of myself teaching how to heal people, either. But that's what I am doing now with joy and happiness. In fact, we are all special and intuitive. Now I clearly know my life purpose which is teaching ThetaHealing to help and empower people. Delivering the wake up call that nothing is impossible, each one of us is far better greater person than we think, deserve to be loved, to be happy. Teaching ThetaHealing is teaching how to live your life being accountable to receive more joy, happiness, love and abundance that you want and you deserve all of them. How important you are and everything in your life matters.
Aloha and Mahalo!
<ThetaHealing® Practitioner Certification>
Basic & Advanced DNA
Manifesting and Abundance
Intuitive Anatomy
Game of Life
Soul Mate
Rainbow Children
Disease and Disorder
Planes of Existance
World Relations
Think What You Think
Color Record
Growing Your Relationship 1
<ThetaHealing® Instructor Certification>
Basic & Advanced DNA
Manifesting and Abundance
Intuitive Anatomy
Game of Life
Rainbow Children
Disease and Disorder
World Relations
Planes of Existance
Soul Mate
<Other qualification>
Gemological Institute of America
Graduate Diamond, Graduate Colored Stone